Miss Grimke: I'm loving the belted cardigan and the metalic flats. It's a great look. Don't you think?
DGF: Yes, it's a great look. I practically live in it.
Miss Grimke: You do not.
DGF: How do you know?
Miss Grimke: I saw what you wear at Elmwood. Those fluffy blue slippers.
DGF: Oh, right. Ah, that was so long ago.
Miss Grimke: Those were such innocent times.
DGF: Yes, we were all so innocent then.
Miss Grimke: We had no idea what was in store for us.
DGF: Well, we had an inkling. Only an inkling.
Miss Grimke: Did you see Public Enemies?
DGF: I'd watch anything with Johnny Depp in it. I would not have minded more story about Melvin Purvis, that fine southern gentlemen, though.
Miss Grimke: Who do you think will play you in the movie? Meryl Streep?
DGF: She could play me. She could play anyone. She could play John Dillinger. Maybe we should think outside the box, though.
Miss Grimke: Helen Mirren?
DGF: Oo, oo, now I'm getting excited.
Miss Grimke: Who would play Charlie?
DGF: Johnny Depp, of course.