Tuesday, March 31, 2009

In support of a return to the classics

Our very dear friend and treasured member of the Fan Club, Miss Talmadge, of the other Georgia Talmadges, has become engaged to marry the Maori fire dancer, a delightful gentleman she met on a recent trip to Hawaii. This news dovetails nicely with Drew's recent mandate to encourage her students to explore esoteric topics. Also we all recall Dr. Faust's coronation featured dancers of the multicultural persuasion, a thrilling display.

Miss Talmadge's betrothed would make an excellent professor of fire and knife dancing and attract other artists of his ilk to dreary old Cambridge.

Meanwhile, the Fan Club has named Miss Talmadge its Artist-in-Residence. Miss Talmadge is known for her reclining nudes and recently developed a passion for double-barrelled cannons (the only example of which is on display in Athens) as well as for a certain flame-dancer.

1 comment:

Miss Grimke said...

Dr. Faust encouraged study of the classics. The Boston Globe reporter parlayed that into reporting on esoteric concentrations, not exactly the same thing. This is not a truthiness blog, but we do want to make sure blame is properly placed.